How to be happy everyday - Factors effecting happiness

How to be happy all the time and Enjoy your life

How to be happy every day - We expect more from our lives than we have. It's not greediness or selfishness which makes us think in such a way, it is our dedication towards life. It is our key to success because the day we stop expecting more, we will no more be enthusiastic. We have heard thousands of time that happiness is key to a successful life, but do we truly care about this sentence? We hardly do. There are many factors that affect our happiness or we can say upon which our happiness depends, but they all matter to us and it is us who choose them to have an impact on our daily life. In this article, I will tell you secrets to be happy every day and how you can make yourself happy in all the situations.

Let me share a small incident with you all which took place a few days earlier. It was the day when I was with my family after so long. All the family members were happy and delighted to see each other. It is saying that the smile of a child is enough to make you feel happy and put a smile on your face. My sister has a very cute daughter who is around one year old. I was playing with her. No matter how worried you are, around children, you feel awesome. Amidst all these, all of a sudden, I saw my uncle being worried about not finding his phone. He said he has lost his phone somewhere he himself doesn't know. Family members got concerned and tried calling on his phone so that if it is at home, they can find it. 

The good thing was that the phone was at home stuck in the corner of the sofa. All of us had a sigh of relief. In this ongoing situation, that baby girl was smiling and enjoying playing with her toys. She was not furious like others. She was still happy and playful. At the very moment, I felt the emotion of being happy for no reason. You can say that the baby was not anxious because she was unaware of the situation. But if you think deeply, the situation was not that tense. We were just being panicked over a silly reason. 

Human mind had a tendency of thinking about bad before the good. Many of us already have faced a situation like this and of course, we get worried about such lose because it is very precious for us. But have we tried thinking that sometimes we get worried over things which we should not be heed on too much. I have seen many people or even my own friends losing their patience over pointless things. This is us who priorities the things in our life which is certainly different for everyone. If you understand the trick to pay attention to important things, you will master the modus operandi to be happy all the time. 

5 Easy Ways to be Happy Everyday – Master the techniques

As I told you in the above paragraphs that there is no reason requires to be happy in your life, I have something for those who are still finding some reasons to get joy in their life and make their life worth living. Pay attention to below pointers and change your life like a miracle.

1. Choose your happiness - We don't feel happy because we don't choose to be or maybe we are not aware of our happiness. It is very important to understand the science behind happiness which does not work the same for everyone. For me reading a book in a vacant room under dim light with a cup of coffee will make me feel good and I will be happy. Whereas, for someone else, going to a pub, partying and surrounded by the crowd is happiness. It is about priorities and your happiness. You have to find what makes you happy and then the chase starts to get that happiness. Always remember, it is us who choose not anyone else.

2. Be positive always and rest is a miracle - Positive mind can heal thousands of illness at one time. Life is not a 5 KM race but a long run marathon. In this marathon, you will find different runners who are competing against you and it is needless to say that they will try to make you lose your focus, bring hurdles in your path so that they can win. You must have come across the situation where you were surrounded by negative people who always criticized you even for your good work. The escape to this one is to ignore them and listen to yourself. Believe in yourself and your hard work. There is only one person’s opinion you should be concerned with when it comes to your decision and that is you.

3. Get over the past and start living in present - Everything happens for a good reason. Don't feel guilty about unfavourable past. Something must be good was associated with it otherwise it hadn't happened. What makes you cheerful is your present and you have the power to turn it as exactly how you always wanted. Miracles is not a word, it is a feeling of happiness by achieving something unexpected. So get rid of an unpleasant past and live a joyful present so that you can have a beautiful future too.

4. Stop giving attention to small things - Your dreams are bigger than anyone. Don't waste it thinking about things that don't really matter. This has taught me a man named Mark Manson who got his hands on writing his first book quite recently and it took over the Internet by storm. The book was "The subtle art of not giving a F***." I don't know how many of you have read this book but for those who have not yet, I would recommend you to please read. Because it is too knowledgeable and help you to master the art of not giving attention to the things that do not actually have any connection with your life.

5. Help others to help yourself - Helping those who are in need helps us to increase our self-steam in a positive way. A religion of Buddhism teaches us that if you light a lantern for it will also brighten your own way. And it's true. The act of helping others is a deed of altruism. Doing things for others does not matter small or unplanned, is the most powerful deed one can do to enhance happiness. It really not needed that you will help others by donating money always. Giving someone a reason to live, smile and attention are enough. Just do it and let me know how you felt.

I hope you guys have understood what happiness means to us, how it can turn our life good and bring tons of joy without spending a penny. So start smiling from the day onwards. Also be the reason for others to smile and feel the most satisfactory thing in the world. Like above incident gave me an idea that you can be happy for no reason, what you need to do is to just be a child who knows nothing and be happy and find your incident for inspiration.

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